Vegas-Friendliness Experiment

To be deployable, new congestion control algorithms (CCAs) have to be able to compete against established CCAs. Vegas is a delay-based CCA that sets its sending rate depending on observed changes in the round-trip time (RTT). Vegas represents delay-based algorithms that i) detect congestion levels early based on RTT changes and ii) have the objective to avoid queueing delay. Such CCAs back off when they estimate that the queueing delay grows, because they conclude that the bandwidth is fully utilized.

In the Vegas-friendliness experiment, it is evaluated if a CCA is fair towards Vegas. CCAs that fill buffers up during their operating, so called buffer fillers, may cause Vegas to back off and reduce its sending rate. As a consequence, such CCAs may dominate Vegas and therefore exhibit unfairness towards pure delay-based algorithms. However, if such unfairness is a problematic property is debatable, since pure delay-based CCAs are not widespread.


In the Vegas-friendliness experiment, multiple flows operate in a static dumbbell network. Each flow generates greedy source traffic and uses either the CCA under test or Vegas. The experiment has one parameter k, which sets the number of flows. Half of the flows (rounded down) use the CCA under test, whereas the other half (rounded up) use Vegas.

To summarize the experiment setup:

  • Topology: Dumbbell topology (\(K>1\)) with static network parameters

  • Flows: Multiple flows (\(K>1\)) that use either the CCA under test or Vegas

  • Traffic Generation Model: Greedy source traffic

Experiment Results

Experiment #95


Command: ns3-dev-ccperf-static-dumbbell-default --experiment-name=vegas_fairness --db-path=benchmark_TcpNewReno.db '--parameters={aut:TcpNewReno,k:2}' --aut=TcpNewReno --stop-time=15s --seed=42 --bw=32Mbps --loss=0.0 --qlen=40p --qdisc=FifoQueueDisc --rtts=15ms,15ms --sources=src_0,src_1 --destinations=dst_0,dst_1 --protocols=TCP,TCP --algs=TcpNewReno,TcpVegas --recoveries=TcpPrrRecovery,TcpPrrRecovery --start-times=0s,0s --stop-times=15s,15s '--traffic-models=Greedy(bytes=0),Greedy(bytes=0)'


src dst transport_protocol cca cc_recovery_alg traffic_model start_time stop_time
src_0 dst_0 TCP TcpNewReno TcpPrrRecovery Greedy(bytes=0) 0.00 15.00
src_1 dst_1 TCP TcpVegas TcpPrrRecovery Greedy(bytes=0) 0.00 15.00


The following tables list the flow, link, and network metrics of experiment #95. Refer to the the metrics page for definitions of the listed metrics.

Flow Metrics

Flow metrics capture the performance of an individual flow. They are measured at the endpoints of a network path at either the source, the receiver, or both. Bold values indicate which flow achieved the best performance.

Metric flow_1 flow_2
cov_in_flight_l4 0.20 0.29
cov_throughput_l4 0.08 0.39
flow_completion_time_l4 15.00 14.99
mean_cwnd_l4 57.40 9.40
mean_delivery_rate_l4 26.28 4.49
mean_est_qdelay_l4 9.82 9.82
mean_idt_ewma_l4 0.44 2.33
mean_in_flight_l4 56.91 9.41
mean_network_power_l4 1084.39 190.15
mean_one_way_delay_l7 1152.33 5534.07
mean_recovery_time_l4 33.75 nan
mean_sending_rate_l4 26.37 4.49
mean_sending_rate_l7 28.39 6.62
mean_srtt_l4 24.82 24.82
mean_throughput_l4 26.30 4.49
mean_throughput_l7 26.25 4.49
mean_utility_mpdf_l4 -0.04 -0.25
mean_utility_pf_l4 3.26 1.44
mean_utilization_bdp_l4 1.48 0.24
mean_utilization_bw_l4 0.82 0.14
total_retransmissions_l4 58.00 0.00
total_rtos_l4 0.00 0.00

Network Metrics

Network metrics assess the entire network as a whole by aggregating other metrics, e.g., the aggregated throughput of all flows. Hence, the network metrics has only one column named net.

Metric net
mean_agg_in_flight_l4 66.32
mean_agg_throughput_l4 30.79
mean_agg_utility_mpdf_l4 -0.29
mean_agg_utility_pf_l4 4.71
mean_agg_utilization_bdp_l4 1.72
mean_agg_utilization_bw_l4 0.96
mean_entropy_fairness_throughput_l4 0.63
mean_jains_fairness_throughput_l4 0.67
mean_product_fairness_throughput_l4 114.99


The following figures show the results of the experiment #95.

Time Series Plot of the Operating Point

Time series plot of the number of segments in flight, the smoothed round-trip time (sRTT), and the throughput at the transport layer.

In Flight vs Mean Operating Point

The mean throughput and mean smoothed round-trip time (sRTT) at the transport layer of each flow. The optimal operating point is highlighted with a star (magenta). The joint operating point is given by the aggregated throughput and the mean sRTT over all flows

Mean Operating Point Plane

The mean throughput and mean smoothed round-trip time (sRTT) at the transport layer of each flow.

Distribution of the Operating Point

The empirical cumulative distribution function (eCDF) of the throughput and smoothed round-trip time (sRTT) at the transport layer of each flow.