
Dumbbell Topology

The dumbbell topology connects \(k=1,\dots,K\) node pairs through a single, shared bottleneck link \(l_{K+1}\). The \(K\) node pairs compete for the available bottleneck bandwidth. The propagation delays between node pairs can differ.

Dumbbell network topology with K host pairs: Source nodes s1, s2, …, nK transmit via K access links to a gateway node that forwards the K flows over one link to another gateway node, which forwards each of K flows to their corresponding destination nodes d1, d2, …, dK.

The dumbbell network has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
bw Bottleneck bandwidth
error Packet loss probability
qlen Bottleneck queue length
qdisc Bottleneck qdisc
rtts Two-way propagation delays

The rtts parameter is a list of length \(K\) such that the \(k\)-th node pair has a two-way propagation delay of \(\texttt{rtts}[k]\).


A path is a sequence of links a packet traverses from its source to its destination. Paths have parameters that model the end-to-end transmission properties:

Name Symbol Description Unit
Path capacity bw Data rate of the bottleneck link bit/s
One-way propagation delay OWD One-way propagation delay s
Bottleneck queue size qlen Queue size of the bottleneck link packets
Queueing discipline at bottleneck qdisc Packet scheduler at the bottleneck link
Packet error probability loss i.i.d. packet drop probability of the path %

ccperf uses paths with parameters that partially originate from Pantheon and the Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite (WINDS).

Name bw OWD loss qlen qdisc
default 8.00 30 0 20 FIFO
India to AWS India 100.42 27 0 173 FIFO
AWS Korea to China 77.72 51 0.0006 94 FIFO
AWS California to Mexico 114.68 45 0 450 FIFO
WINDS Satellite 42.00 400 0.0074 2800 FIFO
Nepal to AWS India Poisson(0.57) 28 0.0477 14 FIFO
Mexico cellular to AWS California Poisson(2.64) 88 0 130 FIFO
AWS Brazil to Colombia cellular Poisson(3.04) 130 0 426 FIFO